Last longer in bed than you ever imagined possible and cure premature ejaculation once and for all! LINKS FROM THIS VIDEO... Fix premature ejaculation permanently - Total Control In 5
This video contains 5 seriously powerful ways to stop feeling insecure, and start enjoying authentic, deeply sourced confidence that other people can feel... The kind of confidence and self esteem
In this video you'll discover the 3 kinds of masculine traits that women find sexually attractive. Of these 3 groups of masculine traits, there are 5 specific masculine qualities that
Building sexual tension with a girl is EASY... In fact, not only is creating and building sexual tension natural... it's literally so automatic that it's unavoidable! So why does it
If you're like most people right now, you're arguing a lot more with the people you love. I made this video to help you stop bickering and build more trust
Here's a big issue when you're flirting with a woman you like: Sometimes women never text you back after they give you their number... LINKS RELATED TO THIS VIDEO... How
This video contains the most important truth there is for understanding how a man BECOMES a leader, becomes the man that others consistently look to for leadership (whether that be
Is Tantra the ultimate way to experience the most powerful orgasms that open you to God? Or... is it basically just hyperventilating when having sex? In today's video I'll let you
It's getting tough out there for men! Women are more defensive than ever towards men who approach them, and you can land in the "creeper" category pretty quickly... even if
I read that it takes the average woman 20 minutes to reach orgasm during sex (about 16 minutes longer than most men last, lol)... But wait... is this true? If
This video reveals the TRUTH about a simple 5 words phrase that will make any woman obsess over you, chase you, and want you sexually! It works on any woman,
So you had some angry words with your lover, said some shit you probably shouldn't have, and things blew up. I mean, with all of this freakin' uncertainty...stuck inside...disappointed about
There is a lot of advice out there for doing it right your first time. Most of it is either painfully predictable (though well meaning), and the rest is absolute
Relationship Advice That Can Save (and light up!) Your Marriage Men and women cheat in their relationships. Sure, there are a few don't, but most do, and they do so
If you want to be more confident with women, then you will want to watch the video below. The truth is, most men really struggle when it comes to being
Can you really grow your penis by stretching it? Finding the answer to that question turns out to be complicated, and I went on a pretty serious hunt to find
There are many ways to be sexy... being physically attractive, obviously, is one of them... but plenty of people are physically beautiful but not particularly sexy. Sexy is it's own
Selling cures for E.D. (erectile dysfunction) is a multi-BILLION dollar industry. And I'm guessing that as the baby boomers continue to climb through their 60s, this is not going to
Do you ever tell little white lies to protect someone's feelings? Little exaggeration lies to make yourself seem a little cooler? Big, fat, hairy lies to save yourself from blame
If you're man never wants to make love anymore, it can seriously mess with your self esteem, your happiness, and of course, it can damage your relationship. When a man
If you want to take control over the amount of porn you watch (or social media, video game, or any other time-sucking screen addiction), without having to battle
I'm convinced that the reason that so many people are sexually dissatisfied is because there is so much disinformation about what it takes to be a great lover. In fact,
The mating dance of humans is a complex psycho-emotional game that determines who is going to mate with whom... and who isn't. Just like "the birds and the bees" (and
The sexual landscape has gotten more interesting, more free, and more complicated, and there are more socially acceptable choices for having a sexual relationship than ever before. I currently know
Whether you're a man or a woman reading this, listen up: Real men don't make compromises with women. If you want a woman's respect, if you want her to see
Over there... There's that one smokin' hot chick in the room (it doesn't matter if it's a bar, a party, a classroom, an office...) It's impossible to not NOTICE her.
This clip is from my nearly-2-hour presentation at David DeAngelo's LOVE: THE FINAL CHAPTER. The presentation represents the most important work I believe I've ever done, and gives the
One of the most important things that people screw up when it comes to sexual attraction is the "sexual" part. Whether you are a woman or a man, if you
Couples who argue a lot often find their way into couples counseling... and one the common pieces of advice they often hear is: "Would you rather be right, or happy?"
What was your best kiss ever? Would your partner say that YOU are the best kisser he/she has ever been with? Here's the one tip you need to make sure
Do you know what the #1 mistake is that men make when they are trying to seduce a woman? I shot this video response to a reader question just before
If you've been working hard to get better in some area of your life... from women, to money, to self esteem -- and you're frustrated because you haven't achieved success
Since the beginning of our species, there have been men trying to learn how to be more successful in
Burned In A Relationship... How Can You Learn To Trust Again? In this week's video I answer some reader emails about love and trust that every lover, man or woman,
In this interview with my good friend Patrycia Slawuta (Pati), we talk about the roots of true confidence and some simple, powerful tips for dealing with the shame that prevents
It can show up as jealousy, passive aggressive behavior, or subtle punishment of your partner for being attractive... Absolutely every one of us has some insecurity. In the right circumstance,
In today's blog post I'm going to share a powerful tip for anyone that wants to have a loving, committed relationship, or who wants to make the relationship they're in
After hundreds and hundreds of conversations with women about men and sex, one thing is crystal clear: Women are dying for real men who trust themselves to be men and
I want to share some unexpected science with you about what makes people attractive to the opposite sex. I'm going to give you some real scientific data, then I'm going
My father died earlier this year, and today is his birthday. In his honor, today's post is about fathers, a quick tip on how to easily and radically improve your
Yes, it's true, a HUGE number of men believe this (and frankly, so do a huge number of women). If a woman is beautiful, chances are, she's not too bright.
Ever notice that the same sex positions where you find it hard to last long enough without ejaculating... are the SAME sex positions that your woman likes the most and
If you've ever had someone cheat on you, then you know the sickening pain, anger, and humiliation that it can cause. Betrayal is one of the worst things a human
Here's something for you to try the next time you are going down town for cranking up the heat... Most of us love both receiving and GIVING oral sex, and
Every now and again you learn something so important, yet so simple, that it changes your entire life. This post could be one of them. Learning the lesson in this
#YesAllWomen caused a big blog-o-storm and got plenty of media interest, but it certainly wasn't anything new... and fear around sexual violence or misogyny is far from the only complaint
In the aftermath of the Santa Barbara shootings, the topic of misogyny came back into the media with a backlash, a counter-punch, and a lot of arguments. The reason everyone
One of the more common questions that I get from both men and women is: My partner doesn't want sex as often as I do (or, my partner doesn't want
April 1, 2014 It seems like every day there is a new study showing that what we used to think was true... is the opposite of the new findings. Scientists
Let me give you a warning in advance about the material in this blog post: I am NOT responsible if your neighbors complain about the noise. Most men love it
I've posted videos on how to get more oral sex... but what if you have a partner that doesn't like to RECEIVE oral sex? It's more common than you may
Being in a relationship can be the most challenging thing you undertake in this lifetime... it can frustrating, maddening, heart-breaking, and downright confusing... Or, it can be simple: Having
Here's a fun technique you can use to bring some teasing play to your sexual adventures tonight... Teasing is one of the best ways to create more sexual
I've talked in the past about "cheat-proofing" a woman: Being so good in the bedroom that afterwards a woman won't want to ever be with another man. But what if
By Alex Allman, author of Revolutionary Sex In countless studies it's been shown that people in relationships are healthier, more satisfied with their lives, and live longer. Why? Probably because
Do you want a relationship that really WORKS? Do you want passion, fun, open and easy communication, the adoration of a good man who treats you like a woman? Then
Try this incredibly simple, but highly effective technique for increasing the orgasmic power while stimulating a woman's G Spot. Try it tonight for more powerful female orgasms with your partner.
One of the most erotically powerful things you can do to turn on your lover is to become good at being sexually submissive. Most people have some psychological blocks to
Think you know the best way to turn on a woman? How about the best way to turn on a man? Is there any way it could be possible that
Sexual dominance is a huge turn on... and not just for women. Everyone loves a partner who knows how to be sexually dominant in a way that is fun, sexy,
If you want a quick tip or technique to use in the bedroom, that's great... But what if you really want to be a-m-a-z-i-n-g for your lover? What if you
Here is the #1 issue that most men and women struggle with that prevents them from ever being a GREAT lover... PLUS... you'll also learn a great technique for overcoming
Learn how to be great in bed with the Pussy Petting Exercise... This sex technique for becoming SEXUALLY POWERFUL came from my panel discussion at Burning Man back in 2014:
The short answer to the question posed in the subject of this article is, "Yes, porn is probably making you bad in bed." If you're not sure, you can take
What is Sexual Power? Last month while I was at Burning Man, I hosted a panel discussion with some of the most brilliant minds in the area of advanced sexuality
"Polyamory" is a big topic these days. Monogamy, once the gold standard of a loving relationship, is now being examined, tested, questioned, and re-evaluated. If you live in San Francisco,
I'm going to tell you exactly how to make love "work" without work. I'm going to tell you how to have the blissed-out, star-spangled, sex-drenched, breathlessly beautiful love affair that
Sexual desire and sexual attraction... two sides to the same coin. Today's video answers a question from a reader who wants to know if it's okay to show his sexual
Here's the typical thing I hear every time I talk to a couple (and most of the time when I talk to singles): Men think that if they have to
Whether you think you have a small penis (you probably don't), or you just want to give your woman the feeling that you're BIGGER inside of her, this video will
Teasing is FUN, it's a turn-on, it creates erotic charge, it makes cocks hard and pussies wet, it creates delicious sexual tension... when you do it right. When you do
What do butterflies, drunk people partying on a boat in the Caribbean, and anal sex all have in common? Well... not much except maybe this video. Plenty of couples include
7 out of 10 women say that they NEVER have orgasms during intercourse. Most of those women say they still love intercourse, and many even say they prefer having intercourse,
Long, drawn-out, romantic foreplay or wild throw-down and get straight to it?? Most couples do foreplay completely wrong. In this video I introduce my concept of "All Day Foreplay," and
Ever wonder parts of a man's body are the most sensitive to your attention? ...the ones that will drive him crazy if you know just how to stimulate them? If
Think you have the definitive answer to what makes GREAT SEX? Think again... Unfortunately so many couples think they've figured out the answer to this question, only to find out
I shot this video the morning after the one I did about men and masturbation... which is a good thing, because the next day I got dozens and dozens of
So... my girl is out of town and I'm the lonely guy for a week... which probably has nothing to do with why this week's video is all about masturbation...
It's easy, it's sweet, and it works beautifully to make you both feel closer. Do this in the morning and you'll be thinking about each other all day long with
I just made a video on a subject that WOMEN are always asking me about: How to give a man the best oral sex experience of his entire life. There
I just posted a new video on how to optimize any sex position so that you get maximum pleasure... And how to find sex positions that help the female partner reach orgasm more
Would you know if the woman you were with was faking it? Maybe... but probably not. Because most women (yes, MOST... more than 70% according to recent surveys) have faked
The wonderful, scary, sexy, intriguing, and difficult thing about going down on your partner is that there is so much psychological and emotional STUFF there. Some women LOVE to go down on their
The challenge for so many loving and committed couples is in keeping desire, attraction, passion, and presence in their sex lives. It can feel like your sex drive is betraying