“What Do Women Want In
The REAL World”



    Okay, I’ve got an important newsflash for

    Women you meet in the real world aren’t
anything like porn stars.

    Sure, I know, you're thinking, "that’s

    But let me take it to the next level…

    The stuff that the women DO and the stuff
that they seem to ENJOY on screen, is also usually
pretty far from reality.

    Think that’s obvious too?


    I've been talking to quite a few about this
subject, and they would disagree. 

    I mean, they would disagree that it's obvious,
because most men seem to not know any better.  They
are either getting their info from bad sources... or
they are getting no information at all.

    No information is bad.  But bad information is

    Where are guys getting their information
about what women want in the bedroom?

    In the last couple of years the amount
of porn being produced and the sheer availability
of it has gone through the roof with the World
Wide Web.

    Guys today grow up with porn in a way that
guys just a few years ago didn’t.  It’s

    And when you see something everywhere, all
the time, over and over… it does get inside your

    And let’s face it, most of us have never
actually been inside of the bedroom when some
other couple was getting it on, so other than
porn, how do you really know how other people "do

    So even though you KNOW that porn isn’t
reality, it’s not unreasonable that some of the
things you might do in bed, or some of the things
you might want to try, are from something you
might have seen on the Internet.

    Well, here’s the thing… the stuff that they
are doing up on the screen is designed to visually
arouse men, not please women.

    Even porn made by women is designed to
visually arouse men. 

    And porn designed for women, at best, is
designed to visually arouse women… but more
commonly, it is designed to appeal to “couples”
because frankly the market for porn made for women
isn’t big enough to make the kind of money that
producers are interested in.

    Very few women (though certainly some) are
even interested in that kind of visual arousal,
and even those that are, want something very
different in the REAL WORLD.

    If your education in how to please women is
even slightly based upon what made some ACTRESS
moan and scream, basically “acting” like she’s
enjoying it… then you are probably doing quite a
few things wrong.

    But, like I said, where else do you see other
couples having sex?

    Well, if you’re like me (and every other guy
I know)… no place.

    So whose fault is it if you just go at it on
a woman in the same way some porn star does and
the woman you are with doesn’t scream her head

    If you thought the reason was because you
aren’t as “well endowed” as the guy in the movie…
buddy… then porn has REALLY screwed up your mind


    I’ve studied this now for a long, long time. 
I have talked to many women, both in bed and out
of bed.  I’ve tried EVERYTHING…

    And the more experience I gathered, and the
more excellent I became in my relations with
women, the more I realized how FAR those video
images are from what actually gets women off.

    If you are not nodding your head and getting
this on a VERY deep level, you need to stop
reading this right now, go apologize to your
girlfriend, and IMMEDIATELY download my eBook,
Revolutionary Sex ” and start reading.

    In the mean time, here are just 3 big ways (I
could not possibly count all of them) in which
porn could be “screwing up” your sex life…

1.    >>Stop Being Insecure About Your Size<<

    According to Masters and Johnson… the
researchers who actually walked around with a

    (I know… try not to think about it)

    …According to these guys, the scientific FACT
is that the vast majority of guys have almost
exactly the same size equipment when it’s hard.
(Even though there are big differences when “soft”)

    There is a tiny percentage of men who have
freakishly large or freakishly small ones.

    (For what it’s worth, that average size that
almost all men share is between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2

    But here’s the really crazy freak-show of the
whole thing…

    MOST of the men walking around with this
exactly average size are insecure about how big
they are!

    And what is equally crazy, is even though I
just told you that, if you are average sized,
you’re probably STILL insecure about it.

    Dude… you need to go slap yourself and GET

    Even if you are a bit below this average
size, the chances of your girlfriend caring about
it are somewhere around zero.

    You know what…

    Your girlfriend doesn’t care, your ex-
girlfriend doesn’t care, your next girlfriend
doesn’t care, your parents don’t care, your
buddies don’t care, and I don’t care.

    Are you getting this yet?

    The only person who cares about this is YOU.

    So why do all these porn guys have huge ones?

    Weird as it may sound-- to visually stimulate
other men.  Because for reasons that you and I don't
need to understand, men prefer to watch women being
screwed by men with large units.

    And where do they get these guys if huge ones
are so uncommon?

    Well, let’s do a little math together.  Los
Angeles, where a lot of porn is produced (though,
certainly nowhere near all of it), is a city of 10
million people.

    If half of them are men, 5 million, and only
1% of men have freakish equipment, then we’re
looking at about 50,000 guys…

    Now obviously MOST guys don’t want to pop a
Viagra and appear in a video with some disease-
ridden chick… but equally obviously… plenty of
guys are attracted to free sex with young girls…

    And they have 50,000 guys to choose from...

    You get the picture… it’s not hard to find
plenty of freaks for the videos.

    If you’re still insecure about your little
willie, then you need to learn the truth about this…

    Starting on page 39 I explain exactly how
women really feel about size (of course it DOES
matter… but not at all in the way you think), On
page 62 I suggest a sex position that actually
works BETTER if you are smallish, and I also go
into plenty of detail of why and exactly HOW you
can BLOW HER MIND in bed regardless of your size.

    Check it out here

2.    >>Oral Sex Isn’t Foreplay<<

    I don’t know when it happened and I don’t
know whether or not pornography had anything to do
with it… but somewhere along the line “foreplay”
got defined as something you do before sex to make
a man hard and a woman wet.

    Well, even if porn had nothing to do with how
guys started thinking that way, it definitely
reinforces this wrong-headed thinking.

    The funny—or sad—thing is… most guys actually
think that if they go down a girl and get her good
and wet, that they’ve “done their job” in the
foreplay department.


    It’s hard to even know where to begin on this

    But let me start by acknowledging that, yes,
there is nothing wrong (and many things right)
about doing things to sexually stimulate a woman
before actual intercourse.

    It is definitely all part of the fun.

    But thing is, oral sex is… sex.  And sex,
even oral sex, should have foreplay…

    That’s right, before the stuff you might have
thought of as foreplay, there should be some

    So what is this foreplay that I’m talking

    Well, a lot of it doesn’t even involve

    Believe it or not, for a woman, foreplay can
be just about everything you do and say with her
during the day.

    This is not ALWAYS the case, but I can
promise you this much—if you do or say things
during the day that make her feel a lack of trust
or break intimacy with her, it will definitely
affect what happens in the bedroom that night.

    Likewise, if you demonstrate to her that you
are emotionally trustworthy, or if you do
something that displays your masculine strength
(and I don’t mean the muscle-kind, though that
will probably turn her on too), or if you show a
side of yourself that is kind or compassionate, or
if you do something that builds her feelings of

    Well you will definitely feel the benefit of
that later in the bedroom too.

    This is not always, or even usually a verbal

    It can be the way you hold a door for her,
the way you take her seriously when she speaks,
the way you hold eye-contact or make her laugh, it
can be the way you brush the hair back from her
eyes, or take her hand when you are walking to
lead her past some obstacle.  It can be the way
you keep your cool if something goes wrong.

    These little demonstrations of masculinity
are a very big deal to your woman.  And they are
sexually powerful.

    And that’s why I consider them part of

    Leading up to the bedroom, foreplay becomes
even more powerful. 

    Here's a GIANT tip that sounds like a
small thing, but I promise you, it is PURE GOLD
if you want to really make an impression on her:

    Sweep her up and carry her to the bedroom
(or the couch, or wherever) and you will have turned
her on WAY more than putting your hand down her pants.

    Try it.

    Touching a woman in non-sexual places when
you talk to her or kiss her is much more sexually
charged for her than for you. 

    Stroking her hair, running the back of your
hand along her cheek, stroking your fingertips up
her back to the nape of her neck, gently massaging
her open palm and the inside of her wrists…  These
are all powerful parts of foreplay on the way
towards the bedroom.

    And you cannot discount the tonality of your
voice, the way you hold her eyes, and the power of
your calm, masculine presence.

    These more subtle aspects of foreplay are
things that any man can cultivate. 

    And while it might not seem obvious to you
reading this right now… I can promise you that it
will be VERY powerful to HER.

    Don’t believe me? 

    Have ANY female friend read the previous page
worth of text… say from: “Believe it or not, for a
woman, foreplay can be just about everything you
do and say with her during the day,” until here.

    I promise you that she will not only
emphatically agree with me… she’ll probably get
turned on just reading about it.

3.    >>Just Pounding Away On Her Probably Won’t Make
    Her Come<<

    I’m not saying that it CAN’T WORK.  Some
women are extremely orgasmic and can reach climax
with very little skill on your part.  Basic sex
will usually do it.

    But more likely is that if you are with a
woman that comes easily from simply keeping at it,
you probably did A LOT OF OTHER THINGS RIGHT that
you might not be aware of.

    I mean things other than just the fucking.

    If you’ve just finished a great date, and she
spent a lot of time laughing, and then she got
herself really excited while you were kissing,
building up the anticipation in her mind… and if
you have been very confident all night and you are
not tentative in the way that you undress her and
make love to her…

    It was ALL of those things that led to her
easy orgasm.

    You take the same woman on another night or
with another guy and it might not happen quite so
easily… or even happen at all… and I KNOW that a
lot of you guys reading this are nodding right

    The truth is, most women know within the
first few minutes of sex whether or not you have
“what it takes” to make them come.

    At that point, if the answer is “no,” then
they are just going along for a depressing ride,
and no matter how long you keep it up, you
probably aren’t going to change their mind.

    So what is that special thing that is “what
it takes” to make her come?

    Well, that’s the frustrating part, because
it’s a bit different for every woman.

    So is there ONE SPECIAL THING that will get
off ANY woman?

    I believe there is.  And it is a very simple
thing to do, but very difficult to explain. 

    The simple answer is that you have to learn
how to listen to her body… but while it’s quite
simple to learn how… unfortunately, it takes a
book to properly explain.

    Not only do I explain EXACTLY how you do it,
but I am so confident that ANY many can master
this technique and give ANY woman the most mind
blowing orgasms of her life, that I GUARANTEE it.

    In fact, I’m so confident that this is the
case that you don’t even have to pay one cent for
the book until after you download it and have a
chance to read it. 

    If you don’t agree (and more importantly, if 
your girlfriend or wife doesn’t agree) that it
results in the most powerful sexual experience of
her life, then you don’t pay.

    Period.  No scams, no spam, no hard sell… you
just don’t pay.

    To get your copy book immediately so that you
can start reading it in just a few short minutes from
now, just click the order link below


    Again, you have my absolute guarantee… if you
don’t like the material or it’s “just not for
you,” you don’t pay.

    Either way, I hope you got some useful information
from this email, and I’ll talk to you again in my next