Attraction And Sensual Seduction

“Erotic Attraction And Sensual Seduction”


    So let's talk for a minute about your
sexual identity.

    The first obvious thing that should jump
out at you is-- is my sexual identity any
different from my regular identity?  And if it is
different... why?

    You might also be asking, "why should I

    I'll answer the last question first...

    You should definitely care about this
because it has a huge effect on how women view
their sexual experience with you. 

    When she thinks about you later, she will
make all sorts of conclusions and decisions about
what happened the night before and whether or not
she wants to see you again.

    Also, your sexual personality will not only
affect her experience, but also it will affect the
way she behaves and reacts, and yes, even her ability
to surrender to her own pleasure.

    And that will strongly affect your experience
with her-- in other words... how much fun you both

    Think about this:

    Are you more fun when you are around a fun
group of people?  Do you become more reserved around
a group that is quieter?  More enthusiastic around
a group of excited fans at a sporting event?

    Our personalities react to the world around
us.  And that is twice as true for women because
their brains are better wired for emotional

    So, if you care about giving her an
experience in the bedroom that she will remember
for years afterwards in a very positive way...

    Then, yes, you should care about your sexual
identity... and what it is saying about you.

    So, now, back to the first question... is
there a difference between your sexual identity and
your regular day-to-day identity?  Or is it just
a part of who you always are?

    Hang on to your brain here, because I'm
about to get a little bit philosophical on you.

    The case I'm going to make is that OF
COURSE your sexual identity is different from your
day-to-day identity...

    Because sexual REALITY is different from
day-to-day reality.

    Now you are probably shaking your head and
saying, "Alex, what are you smoking, man?  Reality
is reality, and whether you are in bed and naked or
not does not change that fact."

    Not so fast.

    Philosophers for at least as long ago as
Plato argued over the nature of reality.  And with
modern quantum physics, we now know that REAL
reality is nothing like what we think it is.

    Our "personal reality" is made up of the
way we perceive things, and the way that our minds
choose to form meaning out of those things.

    In other words, my reality and your reality
might not be the same thing.

    Want proof?  Talk to your wife or
girlfriend about the last argument you had.  Ask
her what happened...

    It almost seems like she was in a TOTALLY

    But let's get deeper.

    I believe that in different situations the
meaning that we make of things is very different. 
And because of that, our "reality" in that
situation is different.

    These differences usually result from
strong emotions like rage or lust.

    Here's the example...

    Let's say that some person in front of you,
maybe while you are walking down the sidewalk,
takes off their pants, gets completely naked, bends
over and puts their rear end up towards your face. 
Their butt in close proximity to YOUR nose.


    But, wait, let's say you are in bed, and
that the person is is your girlfriend or your wife...
or the incredibly sexy girl that you just brought
home from a date...

    The lights are dimmed and her perfume
smells sweet, you are laughing and kissing and
enjoying each other and then...

    ...she does the same thing that the
stranger on the street did.

    Well, you get the idea.  Suddenly the same
act that might be disgusting in the day-to-day
reality is suddenly... absolutely GREAT!

    Our minds are in a different frame of
reference... So different that it creates a different

    This is what I mean by sexual reality or
"erotic reality." 

    There are many things that are great or at
least "normal" in erotic reality that are just
plain weird or even disgusting in day-to-day

    If things can go from disgusting in one
place to GREAT in the other place... then doesn't
it make sense that absolutely EVERYTHING might be
different in "erotic reality"?

    Keep following me here...

    Isn't it also possible that the personality
that you have in the day-to-day world that is
totally acceptable and even pretty cool to most
people is not cool... or even weird... or even just
plain WRONG in erotic reality?

    I promise you, it is.

    If you acted the same way in erotic reality
that you did in, say, office reality or working-
out-at-the-gym reality, it would be superbly weird
and wrong.

    But the good news is that your personality
when you are in bed, or even just when you are
talking with a woman in a bar and you are both
sexually tuned into each other, already is very
different from your personality at work or hanging
around with your friends at the gym.

    So if you've read this far, I think you
probably agree that your erotic or sexual identity
is very different from your day-to-day identity.

    But this raises more interesting

    See, I think that most people are very
conscious and work very hard on the person that
they are in their day-to-day reality.

    We all want to be liked, we want to be
respected, we want to have friends, we want to be
successful in work. 

    And so we pay attention to our image and
the personality that we present to the world.

    Successful people grow and learn and become
better as they move along through their lives.

    But when it comes to erotic reality and our
sexual communication, I believe that most guys are
just kind of... confused.

    Sure, you want to smooth.  You want to be
like Don Juan or James Bond when you whisper in a
girl's ear after kissing her...

    But what IS "smooth"?

    I mean, seriously, have you ever tried out
one of James Bond's lines in real life?

    It sure is smooth when he does it...

    But if you're as dumb as me and you've tried
them out in real life.  Ouch.  Man, I don't think
I have a word for how it comes across... What word is
the opposite of smooth?


    But what if I told you that there ARE some
very specific things that women find incredibly
sexy and attractive in a man's erotic identity?

    Next question:

    If you actually KNEW what turned women
on, if you really understood what was sexy in
"erotic reality", would you try to improve your
personality in that area? 

    See, I don't think that "identity" is a
carved-in-stone idea.  I know I'm not the same with
my mom as I am with my friends.  And I know that
I'm not the same man that I was 5 years ago or 10
years ago or 15 years ago.

    I am BETTER.

    My identity has come closer and closer into
alignment with my values and with who I WANT to be.

    I have grown.

    In day-to-day life we all know plenty of
guys that we really admire.  We know guys that have
a great sense of humor, or a great sense of style,
or who have a commanding presence, or who are
charming with women...

    And we use these guys (sometimes even
fictional characters) as "role models" and even
mentors to improve ourselves.

    Have you ever seen one of your friends who
was really good at talking to girls use some great
line or even just his calm, relaxed body language to
attract a woman... and then try it out for

    Or seen your boss or a business mentor
negotiate a deal and really LEARN a lot about how
to improve your own "negotiation personality?"

    Of course.  We all have.  It is part of our
growth process to want to always improve.

    But let's get serious here-- whose sexual
personality do you admire?

    Whose sexual personality would you use as
role model?

    Because if you are like every other normal
guy on the planet, you have NOT spent a lot of time
watching your mentors, friends, or co-workers
getting it on in the bedroom!

    But if you did see them (I know, I know,
VERY weird image), then you would see which of
those guys was really driving the women WILD with
the way he behaved.

    I mean, movies are... movies.  And, like I
said before, if you've ever tried any of James Bond's
techniques on a real woman, you know that movies are
NOT reality!

    So, here in reality... or in erotic reality...
what kind of sexual personality really drives women crazy
in the bedroom?

    What really WORKS?

    Are you doing it right?

    Or are you really way off the mark?

    Or... is it possible that you are the BEST
she's ever had.

    Is your erotic identity the kind of man
that women fantasize about... dream about... blush
and giggle with their girlfriends about...

    I know this much for certain:

    You CAN be that kind of man.

    Like learning to be comfortable speaking in
public-- some people are naturally good at it...
but ANYONE who is willing to work at it can become
good at it. 

    In fact, with the right knowledge and a
little practice, you could become way BETTER at it
than the guy who was just naturally comfortable
speaking in public.

    The same is true of your erotic identity.
    And it is one of the most important KEYS to
being so good in bed that it literally obliterates
the memory of every other sexual experience that
she's ever had.

    I know that a lot of guys are just too
proud (or too insecure) to admit that they could
actually LEARN anything about who they are and how
they could be better... especially when it comes to

    And I know that's what holds most guys back
from ever even CHECKING OUT the information that I
have in my eBook.

    That's cool. 

    If everyone knew this stuff then it wouldn't
be so incredibly mind-blowing when a woman finally
meets a man who does know it.

    I can't order this book for you.  And your
parents won't either.  (Your girlfriend would if
she knew about it!... but she probably doesn't...)

    The only person who can take this step at
making your sex life AMAZING, at really having
incredible sexual power... is YOU.

    Do it now.

    Download the eBook.  Check it out.  Read
it.  If you don't feel like it DELIVERS, and that it
is worth many times more than the price, don't pay
for it. 

    That's my free trial guarantee.  You get to
read it BEFORE you decide to pay for it.

    And, I promise, no hassles, no weird e-mail
or spam, no weird credit card problems.  I respect
your decision either way. 

    Sure a certain small percentage of people
will read it, use it, benefit from it and still ask
for their money back... but I am betting on your
integrity that you won't just take advantage of me.

    Because I have worked for years on this and
I KNOW how valuable it's going to be for you.

    Read it now right here: Female Orgasm Techniques!