How To Initiate Sex Without Ever Being Rejected...

“Whether You Just Started Dating And You're Ready To "Make Your Move" Or You've Been Married For Decades... I Can Teach You How To NEVER Be Sexually Rejected Again”

Here Are The Exact Step-By-Step Techniques You MUST KNOW To Seduce Any Woman And Have Her "In The Mood" And Literally "Begging" For Sex Whenever YOU Want It...

Dear Friend,

    Don't even TRY to tell me that none of these things have ever happened to you...

    You take her out... dinner goes great... romantic even... everything seems to be ON, and you are getting ready for a fun night of wild sex... but then when you get home, she starts to seem disinterested.  When you make your move she gets that tight-lipped expression on her face and makes some excuse about getting up early the next morning...

    Or... you're out on a date with a woman and you can just FEEL things sliding further from the "wild night of sex" zone towards the "let's just be friends" zone with each passing minute... but you are just SURE that earlier in the night it was "ON"... where did you go wrong?  When did she start to lose interest?

    Or... you're married (or living with your girlfriend), and her interest in sex just seems to be going downhill.  She TALKS about sex sometimes... and on the occasion that SHE'S in the mood, you might get some... but when YOU're in the mood-- there just doesn't seem to be an easy way to get her there too.

    Or... it's just one of those mornings, afternoons, nights, or WHENEVER... and you're just feeling horny... and you just don't have any idea how to seduce your girlfriend into getting there too other than asking, "you in the mood?"

    I'm just going to cut to the chase here...

     When you try to initiate sex with a woman -- and I don't care whether this is a first date or your wife of 20 years -- and she rejects you... it SUCKS.

    It sucks because you aren't going to get anything other than your own hand.

    It sucks because it makes you feel like maybe she just isn't that attracted to you... that maybe you just aren't that attractive period.  When it happens often, it makes you feel like less of a man.   I mean, sure, sometimes it's no big deal.  But sometimes it really does kind of hurt.

    It sucks because it is a terrible waste of what could have been a beautiful, magical night of love-making and connecting... or just a plain old hot and fun evening of  sex.

    And my theory is that life is short... we don't get enough great nights of love-making as it is.  Wasting another one is a real shame.

    So I'm going to tell you something that you probably already know...

    If you had handled things a bit differently with your woman... just a few tiny things differently... instead of going to bed frustrated, you could have very easily gotten her more than  just willing, but really crazy and enthusiastic about jumping your bones.

Believe It Or Not...
She Secretly Wishes You Knew How To Seduce Her Properly... 

    ...Because secretly (or not so secretly when she's with her friends) she wishes she had more sex in HER life too.

    So if you both wish you were having more sex, where are things going wrong?

    What if I was to tell you that, when you don't make the effort to learn how to seduce your woman properly it hurts her feelings... 

    You read that right.  And this is not just some theory-- this is based on hours and hours of research and interviews with every kind of woman and every kind of couple. 

    From her perspective, if it's a first date, and you can't do more than either suddenly jump on her and "go for it" or shyly ask if she wants to do it... she feels like either YOU are inadequate as a lover, or that SHE's just not worth the effort of a proper seduction.

    And because women's egos are usually every bit as fragile as the famously delicate "male ego" she usually takes the second option and blames her self.

    And if you are married or in a long term relationship it's far WORSE.  Because when you just roll over and grab her breast and start kissing her, she feels like you are taking her for granted... and guess what?

    You are.

    You figure that back when you were dating, you had to pay for dinner and get dressed up if you wanted her to put out... but now that you're in a relationship... I mean the whole point of a relationship is so that you can have sex whenever you want without going through the effort and pain of all that dating crap... right?

    Sadly, on some level, that's how most men feel... or at least that's how they act.

    And to the woman in your life, it feels like you're acting that way because you don't care.

    But I have a theory -- I think the real reason that men act that way is because they don't really KNOW HOW to seduce her properly... they don't know how to initiate sex in a way that makes her feel special, that makes her feel feminine and sexy, and that makes her feel excited to be in your arms.

    I think that most men, if they knew how to make the seduction, the start-up of the love-making, more exciting and desirable for their woman... they'd really enjoy doing it.  And they'd definitely be getting a lot more sex in their lives...

    So it only made sense for me to create a Special Report digging deep into just this specific part of sexuality.  

    The eBook that resulted from a lot of work and time is not very long, but it is exceptionally POWERFUL.  And it can tell you exactly...

    "How To Initiate Sex Without Ever Being Rejected" 


   In this eBook I  introduce revolutionary new ideas that will completely change the way you start things up—whether you are on a date or if you’ve been married for years, so that you never have to face the hurt feelings or disappointment of wanting it when she doesn’t again.

This booklet will show you…

  • Why initiating sex is completely different from any other sexual skill you will learn, and why it is so important to master this critical piece of becoming a world class lover
  • How to deal with the special issues of initiating sex for the first time with a woman that you that you're dating so that it will be smooth and easy and super-comfortable (and exciting) for her
  • The critical ways in which women think completely differently from men when it comes to the first time that  you hook up, and how to make her feel so special about that first time that she’ll never forget you
  • Why men frequently face rejection of their sexual advances in their long term relationships and marriages, what this means for the health of the relationship, and how to turn this potentially dangerous trend around BEFORE it’s too late
  • How sexual rejection can “bleed the life” out of a marriage and the specific things you can do to not only prevent rejection, but get her completely excited and enthusiastic about your desire for more sex.  It will be like the first month you were dating all over again
  • The little-known problem with waiting for HER to initiate sex—most men would like it if their woman started things up more often, but it comes with a price.  Understanding this issue can SAVE your relationship, AND result in a LOT more sex
  • The specific thing that most men do wrong that results in a lonely night… when secretly their woman was dying to make love too, but because he screwed this one thing up, she rejected him anyway! 
  • Why it’s YOUR fault.  I’m almost sorry to share this one with you—but if your woman is turning you down consistently, it is not that she is frigid or disinterested in sex—it’s your fault… and I’m here to tell you EXACTLY how to fix it
  • HER perspective on starting things up—the total communication failure that screws up the sexual relationship of so many couples that you can solve in an INSTANT once you become aware of it
  • Why SHE sometimes feels completely rejected and hurt when YOU try to initiate sex—even though she’s the one that rejected YOU!
  • The “3 Agreements of Initiating Sex” and why it is so crucial that you don’t violate any one of them when you are seducing your woman
  • How to get her physically turned on with almost no effort—getting her turned on BEFORE you begin makes everything a whole lot easier
  • What “mood” she needs to be in BEFORE you initiate sex, and how and why to get her into that mood before you try to get her turned on
  • How to communicate non-verbally that you are in the mood for sex—and why this is so much more effective and appealing to a woman than just "telling her "that you are in the mood
  • 6 simple ways to behave that are immediately sexually attractive to all women—doing these simple things will have her anticipating your touch all day long
  • How to have a lot MORE sex, BETTER sex, and a better, stronger, and more loving relationship by learning to make the way you start up each sexual encounter something that she looks forward to

    There's an old joke that goes, "what do blowjobs and chocolate souffle's have in common?... They're both things you never get at home."

    The terrible shame is that there may be some truth that "joke".  A shame because there is just no need for it to be that way.  

    Your woman wants nothing more than to have a fantastic, wild sex life... YOU want nothing more than to have a fantastic, wild sex life...

    Seems to me that you two should be able to get together on this one. 

    This book will help you get there.

    When you consider how much time and money men spend on getting laid... when you think about the weird extremes they'll go to... I should just go ahead and price this thing at like a thousand dollars.

    After all, unlike a lot of those other things men do... this actually WORKS.  

    But if I was basing the price on how much value you'd get in your life over the next year from this material, most guys reading this wouldn't be able to afford it. 

    And that's not really the point of writing this stuff.  In fact, whether you believe me or not, I seriously do care about creating more happiness in the world with the work I've done.

    If you're serious about improving your relationship, I'm serious about helping.  And I'm making sure that literally ANYONE can afford it.   

    Here is how easy I'm making it for you: I've set the price at $4.99 

   That's right, for the price of a beer at a hotel bar, you can get more than twice as much sex in your life next year as you had this year.  

    At this point I guess I'll go ahead and mention that it's my policy to give you a money back guarantee on ALL of my programs and materials, and this one is no different.

    I know it's not a lot of money either way, but as a matter of principle, if you try out my advice, and it doesn't work for you, I don't think you should have to pay.  So, there it is, you have 60 days to experiment with it, and if it isn't the real deal, I'll reverse the charges on your card, no questions asked.

    Okay, I'm done talking, I'll just get out of your way now so that you can download the info and start actually using it to make your life and your relationship more enjoyable.

    You and your woman are going to be having a lot more sex and getting along a lot better after you click the link below.  It's 9 bucks and change... so don't put it off, do it now:

 <<Download My Copy Of
"How To Initiate Sex Without Ever Being Rejected">>


    By the way, I know it's obvious but...

    The information is only going to work for you if you actually READ it.  Don't cheat yourself by putting it aside for "later" when you know that "later" might be "never".  

    I edited this down to the most concise, information packed, actionable steps.  You can get through it in under an hour and start getting benefits in your life IMMEDIATELY.

    Click the link above, and order now.

   Your Friend,


   Alex Allman

P.S.  If you've ever had any kind of issues with initiating sex, or feeling like you might be rejected when you "go for it," you owe it to yourself to take advantage of this offer.  It's under 10 dollars, and it's guaranteed... if you haven't clicked yet to download your copy, I've gotta admit, I can't figure out why.  And I'd be very interested to hear your reasons if you'd like to email me at the address right below in the second P.S....

P.P.S. If you have any questions or comments about this book or any other information that I provide, please be sure to send me an email with either praise or complaints (or both) to

If you have any questions about this offer or how to buy the book, just send an email to and you’ll get an answer fast. 

 You must be 18 or older to purchase.  I take your privacy very seriously. You can read my entire privacy policy here. ©2007-2024 Life Love Passion, Inc., All Rights Reserved. "Revolutionary Sex" and "Alex Allman" are trademarks used by Life Love Passion, Inc. By purchasing, you agree to terms and conditions found here